% ecdouble.tex % % Graphical representation of point doubling on the elliptic curve % E: y^2 = x^3 - x over the real numbers % % Author: Peter Schwabe % Public domain \psset{unit=1.2cm} \begin{pspicture}(-2,-2.5)(2,2.5) \psaxes{->}(0,0)(-2,-2.5)(2,2.5) \psplot[plotstyle=curve]{1}{2.0}{x x mul x mul x sub sqrt neg} \psplot[plotstyle=curve]{-1}{0}{x x mul x mul x sub sqrt neg} \psplot[plotstyle=curve]{1}{2.0}{x x mul x mul x sub sqrt} \psplot[plotstyle=curve]{-1}{0}{x x mul x mul x sub sqrt} \psplot[plotstyle=curve]{-2}{2}{x 0.3933 mul 0.8728 add} \rput(-0.7,0.5975){{\color{red} $\bullet$}} \rput(-0.7,0.7975){$P$} \rput(1.55469,1.4843){{\color{red} $\bullet$}} \psline[linestyle=dashed,dash=5pt 5pt](1.55469,1.4843)(1.55469,-1.4843) \rput(1.55469,-1.4843){{\color{red} $\bullet$}} \rput(1.75469,-1.4843){$R$} \end{pspicture}