Organizing literature
Here is a simple system (and some scripts) that I use to keep pdf and postscript files of papers organized.
Travel information Taiwan
Please find a collection of potentially useful information on travelling to and in Taiwan on a separate page on Taiwan travel.
Debian GNU/Linux on Android phones
The following guides explain how to install Debian GNU/Linux in a chroot environment on Android smartphones. The target of this installation is not to have X working with some fancy window manager (although the installation as described would be the first step towards it), but to turn the smartphone into an ARM development environment with access to the CPU's cycle counter.Debian GNU/Linux on different Laptops
Here is some information about how to configure Debian GNU/Linux on different Laptops:
Pstricks graphics
Here's some LaTeX/pstricks code we used for graphics (mostly related to cryptography).
Generation of html code for the gallery
Each single album in our gallery isn't actually written by hand but
automatically generated by a small bash script called gen_webalbum.sh. To
use it just call it with the paths to the pictures you want to include as arguments.
Rescaling of the pictures for the gallery to 640x480 is done automatically (the originial pictures are of course
not changed), so it doesn't matter which resolution the pictures have. This will produce a directory named
gallery, in this directory there is a file named index.shtml. In this file change
"EDITME" to whatever the title of the gallery should be.
The bash code should be easily adoptable to generate galleries for other websites for someone who is familiar
with bash, the script needs the imagemagick tools,
that on a Debian stystem can be installed with "aptitude install imagemagick".
Wireless configuration at Radboud University Nijmegen (eduroam)
Here is my configuration to make the eduroam Wifi work under Debian with my RU.nl account. Just put the following lines in /etc/network/interfaces:
wpa-ssid "eduroam"
wpa-scan_ssid 1
wpa-proto RSN
wpa-key_mgmt WPA-EAP
wpa-eap PEAP TTLS
wpa-identity U123456@ru.nl
wpa-password PASSWORD
wpa-phase2 "auth=MSCHAPV2"
wpa-ca_cert /etc/ssl/certs/AddTrust_External_Root.pem
wpa-priority 10
You will have to obtain the certificate and place it in /usr/share/ca-certificates/ru.nl/AddTrustExternalCARoot.crt. Now you can log into the wireless network with
assuming that wlan0 is your wireless interface.
Wireless configuration at TU/e
Thanks to a guide written by Willem Ligtenberg I finally managed to configure my wireless under Debian to work with the TU/e network. Just put the following lines in /etc/network/interfaces:
wpa-driver wext
wpa-ssid tue
wpa-key-mgmt IEEE8021X
wpa-eap PEAP
wpa-identity pschwabe
wpa-anonymous_identity TUE_USERNAME # e.g. pschwabe
wpa-password PASSWORD
wpa-phase2 auth=MSCHAPV2
wpa-ca_cert /etc/ssl/certs/GTE_CyberTrust_Global_Root.pem
Now you can log into the wireless network with
assuming that wlan0 is your wireless interface.
If you want to use the eduroam network you can use the same configuration, just replace "tue" by "eduroam" in the
interface name and in the wpa-ssid and add @tue.nl to your wpa-identity and wpa-anonymous-identity (e.g. pschwabe@tue.nl).